Sunday, October 30, 2011

How to search for a Austin DWI lawyer

You are detained. It is not known whether for a long time. Not very clear, what for. Require a Austin DWI lawyer you can from the first minute, but it is unlikely that you listen to. Three hours, most likely, it is necessary to suffer.

But after three hours of detention employees of Austin DWI lawyer enforcement bodies are obliged either to let you go, or to prepare a document on the detention and start to prepare materials for excitation of criminal case. If at this moment does not provide absolutely no Austin DWI lawyer – it’s time to act independently.

Phone to this point usually still remains at the man – take it later. And in this phone are always there are emergency call 112. It is necessary simply to inform about himself: “I, as the (NAME), in such a place detained. I did not commit. I refuse to grant the lawyer”. If it succeeds, subsequently recording of this talk will be an additional argument for your future lawyer: no measures were taken to provide you with legitimate legal protection.

New models of mobile phones contain an interesting feature – the message about the location of the selected recipients. Simply press the button and call – and you can be sure that you want to subscribers (relatives, friends, lawyer) will receive the message “Help me!” and the coordinates, where there was sending of the message. After binding reference to the terrain is always possible to determine location of the person. Quite simply warn the circle of persons, that at reception of this message, they must find you – you are in a difficult situation, you need help.

If you are not allowed to call, you should act as follows. You somehow will offer to give some explanations and sign the corresponding protocol. Even if you refuse from giving any explanations on the basis of article 51 of the  it is necessary to write as on the protocol and on any other document, which they will give you a sign: “I Ask you to give the lawyer”. If there is his telephone number, and write the number on which you want to call.

What can be done by employees of law enforcement bodies? May asked to rewrite the document – insist on the. Can write, that you refused to sign the document. But, most likely, your requirements will be met normally.

If the employees of law enforcement bodies will provide you with a lawyer, he, most likely, will be quite closely with them is connected. And if people are not interested in that you really protect, all of his duties will be executed so formally, as far as possible. So, the good, all the same it is necessary somehow to prepare. As you know by heart phones of emergency services such as 01, so you should know or at least have in your notebook any phone number – not necessarily even a lawyer, but at least a man who is able very quickly to find it.

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