Saturday, October 22, 2011

Doing Simple Things for a Happy Marriage

Love for your partner is further strengthened with the help of marriage. In order for a marriage to last, you must also take time to make your partner feel special and good about himself/herself.
You wouldn’t want to throw a blissful marriage down the drain with a costly and harrowing divorce. We are here to show you the main reasons as to why marriages lose spark after the wedding day.
A major reason for the partner’s loss of intimacy is they no longer feel the same special attention that they previously enjoyed. This problem can be solved by showing your loved one the same romantic affection that you have given her or him when you first started off. We show you a couple tips in order to keep that loving fire burning and make your marriage last.
Appreciating the simple things that your spouse does and giving it utmost importance.
Grab every opportunity to say “I love you” and mean it.
Divorced couples tend to tell people that the reason for their loss of affection for one another is because they felt that they didn’t show feel their love for one another. Being expressive and vocal at the same time gives that assurance that you are the only person in spouse’s wife and no one else.
Do something unplanned every now and then. Go out-of-town this weekend, dine Friday night in your favorite restaurant, or how about a movie marathon on Saturday just in the comforts of your home.
Everyday, make sure that you have an alone time, just the two of you. Sit down and communicate. Spend at least 20 minutes talking before going to sleep.
Learn to be thankful for every little thing and effort your spouse does. Bringing you the coffee, removing your shoes and packing your lunch.
Understand that there will be disagreements but also you need to learn to respect and share. Don’t be afraid to day that you’re sorry.
As much as you can, hold hands, even when sleeping, even when walking down the street. Kiss and hug each other everyday. It matters.
The mere fact that you give deep appreciation to your spouse is more than enough to make her feel special. Doing these simple things will makes a happy married life.

Despite the increasing number of separated and divorced couples, there are still those who long for a lasting and happy marriage. Here are some ways to do it.
Be each other’s best friend. Remember that you and your partner are a team. Deal with your problems together. It will lessen the burden and it can be resolved easily.
Enjoy the same thing together. If your spouse likes sports, learn to love it as well. Be open to try and explore new activities together. Have fun.
Conflicts will arise no matter how much you’ll avoid it. When your partner is angry, try to be understanding instead of arguing back. Try to listen why he/she is upset in the first place. Never mention the mistakes did in the past and settle any arguments before you go to bed.
It does not need to be Christmas or your anniversary to prepare a surprise dinner for your spouse. Do something they’ll never expect once in a while. Place a lovely bouquet on your bedside table before your wife wakes up or treat your husband to a concert of his favorite rock band.
Learn to appreciate and compliment your spouse at least once in a day. Not only vocally but make them feel that you are proud of them. Encourage and affirm one another at all times.
Don’t be stubborn. Set aside your pride and admit your mistakes.
Spend some special time alone with your partner. Take some time out and bring back the romance in your life.
Include your spouse in your plans and don’t ever take them for granted.
Respect your partner. Give them the space if you think they need it.
Enjoy little things. Laugh together.

When the relationship was young, when the marriage was young, it was easy to behave respectfully.  You wanted to do nice things for her.  So you opened her car door, you brought her flowers, you cleaned up a mess.  Today it might be different.  Today, there may be kids, job pressures, a house to maintain, bills to pay.  However the work is divided, chances are you’re doing more and you have less time. It’s easier now to be critical.  Perhaps she doesn’t look the same as she did pre-children (c’mon, do you?)  Perhaps the kids are too loud when you get home from an exhausting day working.  Perhaps the dinner is cold, or your shirt isn’t clean, or the fridge is out of milk, or the bathroom is out of toilet paper.
Think deeply about this. If a spouse loses a job, for example, degrading remarks as to worthlessness are not only crushing to ones esteem, much less motivating to find another job, but also builds a towering wall of anger and hostility between a couple. Instead open the door to marriage crisis help by unlocking the power of respect and invite into your marriage forgotten courtesy, consideration, admiration and kindness.

Everyone who is in a relationship argues. Everyone, with no exemption. Somehow, somewhere in your life as a married couple, there will be conflicts and differences. Couples who don’t know how to handle arguments and problems will only lead to divorce. Almost everybody doesn’t like broken marriages or family. As much as possible, if they can, they want to save their marriage.
If your relationship is in trouble but still you want to save it, you must do something about it. Reminisce those things you do in the past. What is it that made you fall in love with each other? Are there any activities that you do together before? Do these things again. Try courting your wife like when you are not married yet, send her flowers and chocolates. Cook your husband’s favorite food when he gets home from work.
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